2023-2024 Messianic Travel Calendar

Lion and Lamb Ministries is pleased to introduce the 2023–2024 Messianic Calendar. Using lunar phase software, we have synchronized the first of each Hebrew month to when the new moon would be seen from Jerusalem. This is for all of the brethren to accurately keep the appointed times of the LORD. This calendar presents all of God's Appointed Times on the dates instructed by God in the Torah, which are not always on the days that traditional Judaism celebrates. We have referenced Scripture for every holiday and festival and marked the Rosh Chodeshim throughout the year.   

  • All dates, months, and years are shown in both Civil and Jewish Calendar systems. Hillel calendar dates are also indicated to show if there is a difference to the New Moon date. 
  • All major Biblical holidays, festivals, and High Sabbaths are marked and listed with Scripture references. Also shows Israeli national holidays, US federal holidays, and time changes for the US and Israel.
  • Weekly Torah Portions, Haftorahs, and Brit Chadashah readings are referenced for every Shabbat.